December 30, 2014

Substance Lab: Creating "Power Materials"

Whether it's to use in Painter or in Designer, you might consider creating bundles of your base materials. Maybe grouping all your metals, wood or anything you use often. There is a very easy way to do that: using multi switches.

Here's a quick and easy way to achieve that:

1- Start by creating an empty Input Parameter.
2- Give it a simple and clear Identifier, change the type/Editor to Integer 1 and drop down list.
3- Using the Add Item, create as many items for your list, name them and make sure the values are 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. 

4- Before each output of your graph (base color, normal, height, roughness, etc) you're going to create a switch. Color multi switch for the base color and the normal, Grayscale multi switch for the other ones.
5- Set all these Switches to have the same number of inputs as the list you've created
6- And set all the Input Selection to use the Parameter you've just created:

You're done! Make sure you plug the correct nodes in the correct input number. For example, if you've decided that 4 was your wood, then all the wood components must be plugged in the input 4 of all the switches.

here's the link of a demo substance:



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